Thursday, March 24, 2011

Engineering, thou art a heartless bitch.

After three years of engineering, I have come to the conclusion that an engineering degree is not worth it.

If you are thinking about getting an engineering degree well here's my advice



Here are my reasons why Engineering Sucks

Reason Number one

If you are a non-engineer this may require some clarification. A lecture is defined as that activity that requires an engineers physical presence only. It is a that time during the day which is usually spent finishing assignments, lab records, playing dots, hangman, blue-tooth mobile phone games,sleeping or some other timepass activity.

After reading this some of you non engineers might ask "Hey we go to college too; if we can pay attention in class, why cant you?? " Well the answer is really simple.

The lectures in an engineering course is conducted by a person who has previously gone through the same engineering course. And engineering graduates are pretty well paid. Now this ass(Lecturer) is so pathetic that he couldn't get a better job ergo he is here "teaching" us. He is an ABSOLUTE idiot. He cant teach for nuts.

But the self-conceited 'Gadha' believes that there are absolutely no limits to his knowledge. He believes that he is doing us a big favour by 'enlightening' us. So isn't tp better than listening to him go on and on about his abilities. HELL YEAH IT IS.

(Watch this space for the next few reasons as to why engineering sucks)

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